Foundation walls are amongst the most important part of any structure. A building’s foundation is the one element of a structure where you absolutely cannot afford to cut corners. A bad foundation can destroy the value of a building and render it unfit.

Wiseman Construction, Inc. has been pouring concrete foundation walls since 1975. Reinforced concrete walls are stronger and less porous than a wall constructed of hollow-web concrete blocks. Recently, poured walls have become the new norm when constructing residential basement walls, but Wiseman Construction has been utilizing this type of strong foundation for over 35 years.

concrete foundation

From a practicality standpoint, the quality of the foundation wall’s finish is also important. Certain machinery requires an extremely flat floor. Also, a well-troweled surface will look better and be easier to maintain.

Wiseman Construction has over 40 years of experience in which you can rely on to get the job done right. We specialize in floors for several types of buildings including Morton, Cleary, Wick, Stran, American, and Behlen. We also pour residential and commercial floors, drives, parking lots, and other basic and specialized flatwork. We’ll consider any job, whether big or small, so just ask. If we can’t do it, we’ll recommend someone who can.

Whether your project is for a house, commercial building, or simply a retaining wall, feel free to contact us for a hassle-free estimate.